Friday, July 26, 2013

Summer Series: ¡Número Siete!

Keith's Ten Ways to Spanish Fluency

# 7:  Here is a video clip to number seven on Keith's 10 ways to Spanish fluency:

The Internet has a vast amount open to language learners. It's incredible! I wish I had access to this valuable resource when I was learning Spanish. It would have really helped me in leaps and bounds.

Use the Internet to find sites that help reinforce what you are learning of the language. With your awareness of your own learning style, you can tailor exactly the sites you need to increase your Spanish fluency. Here are ten great sites to get you started:

  • has a fantastic site dedicated to learning languages on the cheap or for free. They provide links to many sites on the Net to make learning Spanish fun and interesting.
  • produces a free podcast each day. You may pay for more access and additional tools.
  • LoMá has lots of videos to watch in Spanish. Find something interesting to view online.
  • publishes monthly articles in Spanish on many interesting topics of Latino and Spanish culture. Plus they have a native speaker read the article in Spanish if you wish to hear it. This is an incredible benefit to you auditory learners!
  • Spanish Language and Culture with Barbara Kuczun is a wonderful site to learn Spanish. There are activities, videos, audio clips and dedicating grammar topics to learn.
  • Professor Jason Online contains countless videos on grammar points for Spanish from an actual university Spanish professor!
  • Spanish Grammar Lessons is a neat site to help you with learning Spanish grammar. There are little activities to make it interactive and helpful to master various grammar topics.
  • has a complete site for learning pronunciation, verbs and other grammar points in Spanish.
  • Super Spanish Websites is a vast collection of sites on the web for all age levels, ability levels, and tastes. There are games, activities, videos, lessons, and so much more!
  • British Broadcast Channel Spanish site has a whole interactive video series to learn Spanish as well as games, learning tips, and other interesting factoids about Spanish.

There are many more resources and websites in my book, So You Want to Learn Spanish?, for sale now. See below to get your copy today.

The finish line is in sight. Win your free copy of my book! Register for my book giveaway on the top right for your chance to win. Best of luck to you!

¡Hasta luego!

Keith's 10 Ways to Spanish Fluency can be found in So You Want to Learn Spanish? by Keith Walters

Friday, July 19, 2013

Summer Series: ¡Número Seis!

Keith's Ten Ways to Spanish Fluency

# 6:  I have a brief video clip showcasing my sixth way to Spanish fluency:

Pick up what you can in Spanish. There are tons of material out there to choose. For this way to improve your Spanish fluency, you need to find reading material in the language. But don't stop there! You need to read it.

If you're strapped for cash, go to your local library and find books, magazines and newspapers in Spanish. The library is an incredible resource. I just went there the other day. Everything is so automatic and digitized. It can really leave you dazed if you think about it. My library has computer terminals where you can search for material online to read. Often times, you will find magazines and newspapers that the library cannot have on hand in a more tangible format. I recommend checking out all of your options and there are certainly quite a few to seek out.

Once you have items to read. Go through and start reading in Spanish. You will come across unfamiliar words. Jot them down in a journal. When you have finished reading the passages, go look up in a Spanish-English dictionary those words you wrote down. Write out their meanings as they would make sense in the sentence where you found them. Now go back and read it again.

The words you have placed in your journal can now be used as new vocabulary words. Create some flashcards (either using index cards or find a free or low cost app on your smartphone or tablet). Review the words and their meanings. Take those words and create new sentences using each one. Try to incorporate them into your memory. This is a wonderful way to learn new words and expand your vocabulary!

As I have mentioned in my previous ways to Spanish fluency, it is important to tie together subjects you have a great deal of interest. This helps drive learning Spanish as a positive motivator. If something is unpleasant, you will spend less time doing it. We want to take away obstacles that impede you gaining the fluency you want in Spanish.

You don't know what you're interested in? Make a list of activities you enjoy, items you often read about, things you like to make or do both inside and outside the home. I'm sure before you know it, you'll have quite a list of topics you can cross reference with books, magazines and articles in Spanish. Happy reading!

I have many more ways to improve your Spanish. My book, So You Want to Learn Spanish?, is for sale now. See below for details.

We are just about half way through summer. Don't forget to register to win one of 10 free, autographed copies of my book that I'm giving away for this Summer Series. You will see where to click on the top right for your chance to win. Best of luck to you!

¡Hasta luego!

Keith's 10 Ways to Spanish Fluency can be found in So You Want to Learn Spanish? by Keith Walters

Friday, July 12, 2013

Summer Series: ¡Número Cinco!

Keith's Ten Ways to Spanish Fluency

# 5:  Enjoy this little video clip introducing my fifth way to Spanish fluency:

According to a 2011 U.S. Census report, over 121 million people commute to work between 1-59 minutes. Close to 11 million have commutes of over 1 hour in the car (source URL: That's a lot of time in the vehicle over the course of 1 year if you double it (going to and from work each day). There is not much you can do in the car. What can you do? Turn on the radio and talk to passengers. That's about it. And if you do more, I highly suggest you don't for your safety as well as other people's security! Why not turn that time into practice and study time by learning Spanish?

If you live in a large populous area, there very well may be a few stations dedicated to Spanish-speaking groups. Check them out to see if you can understand what they are saying. Better yet, check out a CD on learning Spanish from your local library and practice with that on your commute. I download MP3 content off the Internet onto a jump drive and plug that into my car's USB port and listen to podcasts in Spanish. Our vehicles have made great strides over the past 10 years in terms of technology and comfort. Put them to good use.

This is not isolated to the morning and evening commute. If you work out at a gym, go running, walk in the park, take the dog out for a walk and gardening, spend that time listening to Spanish on an MP3 player or portable headset. You can start and stop it at any time, but take advantage of your valuable time. When I'm at work in front of the computer, I have Spanish/Latino music playing. At any given moment, I can stop what I am doing and concentrate on what they are singing. My point is there are multitude of ways to listen to the spoken Spanish word and fit that into your busy schedule. Take a moment right now and jot down your daily activities during the word week and then again on weekends. Ask yourself if you can turn on a radio, bring along an MP3 player during any of those activities. I think you'll be surprised at the amount of time you can find to hearing Spanish on a daily basis.

Listening to Spanish will help your comprehension of the language. If you can listen to Internet radio through a portable device (like a smart phone or the like), try listening to different regions of the Spanish-speaking world. You will find different accents within Spanish. Spend several days or weeks to trying to figure out that dialect of Spanish. You can switch it up by going to another region.

Emulate what you hear. This is the best way to improve your speech. Repeat what you hear and understand. Talk radio stations are best for this type of exercise. Tailor this activity to when you are alone (like in a car drive to work or gardening). Train your brain to speak like a Spaniard or a Guatemalan or an Argentine person. It can be fun!

Learn more ways to improve your Spanish. Get a copy of my book, So You Want to Learn Spanish?, on sale now. See below for details.

Summer is flying by! If you haven't done so already, register to win one of 10 free, autographed copies of my book that I'm giving away for this Summer Series. Just click on the details panel to the right for your chance to win. Good luck!

¡Hasta luego!

Keith's 10 Ways to Spanish Fluency can be found in So You Want to Learn Spanish? by Keith Walters

Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Series: ¡Número Cuatro!

Keith's Ten Ways to Spanish Fluency

# 4:  I have a video clip to introduce my fourth way to Spanish fluency:

Don't underestimate the power of video in the learning process. Even though it is a passive format, if you study it closely, you can learn a great deal about Spanish. Watching something will train your eye to situations and help you to read body language better. This will come in handy when you are out and about and you must read another person's body language in addition to what they are saying. Context will help you along the way.

Once you have grasped the situation, focus on listening to the words used. Key in on certain words first by identifying the ones you know. Notice how people form their sentences, expressions and questions. Try to study and emulate the phrases and intonations. DVR's are wonderful for these purposes because you can pause and play instantly over live or recorded TV. If you do not have a DVR, then try accessing videos through the Internet. You will have the same capability. You may also move to shows and movies on DVD and Blu-Ray.

Use the Internet to help you find what interests you the most. As I've said in the past, the more you can tailor your Spanish learning to activities you enjoy, the more enjoyable this process will be. Like shows and movies you watch in English, there are similar ones in Spanish.

I would highly recommend choosing original Spanish shows and movies over translated or dubbed ones. The reason being is that sometimes translations can be off a bit. It all depends on the ability of the translator which can vary greatly. One example I remember is when a character shouted "Fire!" to command someone to shoot a gun, the Spanish translation used was "¡Fuego!" which is literally a fire and has nothing to do with shooting a gun. Until you have studied Spanish enough and can spot these mis-translations, stay away from these types of shows and films.

Pick up your copy of my book, So You Want to Learn Spanish?, on sale now. I share many ways for you to practice Spanish. See below for more details.

You can still register to win one of 10 free, autographed copies of my book that I'm giving away for this Summer Series. Just click on the link in the panel to the right for your chance to win. Good luck!

¡Hasta luego!

Keith's 10 Ways to Spanish Fluency can be found in So You Want to Learn Spanish? by Keith Walters