Friday, August 30, 2013

Summer Series: Keith's 10 Ways to Spanish Fluency Winners!

This summer has gone by fast! Hopefully you have had some fun throughout this Summer Series. I want to thank everyone who has stuck with me and this blog throughout the summer and hope you found some, if not all, of the ten ways interesting or at least gleamed or got inspired by something that you did not know before. The summer book giveaway was a huge success! There were 1,301 people who registered to win a copy. ¡Mil gracias!

Here are the names of people who won one of 10 free, autographed copies of my book, So You Want to Learn Spanish?:

  • Lesslie Gonzalez
  • Zoe Chang
  • Rebecca Gilbert
  • Ashley Van Buren
  • Branden Vanscoy
  • Sarah Goldberg
  • Elisabeth Byers
  • Erin Glim
  • Frank Polgar
  • Lisa To

Congratulations to all of the above winners! Your book was mailed out this past Monday to the address you provided. According to USPS Track and Confirm, all of the books have arrived at their destinations. Happy reading!

For those who still would like to read my book chock full of practical tips, ideas and ways to get on the fast track to learning Spanish, you can still get your copy online here.

Summer might be over, but I'm still posting on my blog. Check back here often to learn new things about Spanish! I enjoy mixing it up a bit by writing about cultural aspects, vocabulary, idioms, videos clips, audio clips and of course, grammar. There is a lot to learn and explore. Let's do it together! Have some fun and feel free to post a comment on this blog. I can answer questions you may have about the Spanish language or cultural curiosities. I'm here for you! Until next time . . .

¡Hasta luego!

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